2024 Walk for Wishes - Milwaukee, WI


TOTAL RAISED TO DATE: $100,872! In 2003 Make-A-Wish-Foundation of Wisconsin granted Anthony's wish to go to Disney World during his fight against leukemia. Years later Anthony asked how we could give back to allow other kids to have their wish granted as well. As a result of this Team AJR was formed.

Since 2009 we have helped grant FIFTEEN wishes! 
2009 Tyson – Disney World
2010 Reid - Disney World
2011 Catherine - North Woods Adventure
2012 Emanuel - Disney World
2013 Alexander – NBA All Star Weekend
2014 Patrick – Disney World
2015 Gabriella – Featured in Video Game
2016 Nevaeh – Disney World        2016 Melissa - Meet John Cena
2017 Jennifer - Braces
2018 Gavin - Disney
2019 Sophie- Hawaii
2020 Seth-Camper                                                                           2021 Darrien-Room Makeover

2022 Daniel- Mall of America shopping spree

Please join or support our team to help grant wishes to children during their fight against a life-threatening illness.

Thank you!

Team AJR

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Deena Hatch Foundation Match
Chris, Tammy, Anthony, Michael
Mrs. Donna Reppucci
Mr. John Reppucci
Ms. Claire Ruggiero
Matching Gift from the Heating and Cooling Contractors of Rheem Manufacturing
Mrs. Carol Koschei
Mrs. Clara Reppucci
Mrs. Clara Reppucci






*Gifts made through this fundraising campaign are a gift to the entire Make-A-Wish mission. The needs shown are symbolic of the common wish elements associated with each wish and are only representative of our many wish-granting activities. Gifts made will not actually be used to purchase the item or grant the wish described. All gifts will be pooled to meet the needs of Make-A-Wish.


Deena Hatch Foundation Match
Chris, Tammy, Anthony, Michael
Mrs. Donna Reppucci
Mr. John Reppucci
Ms. Claire Ruggiero
Matching Gift from the Heating and Cooling Contractors of Rheem Manufacturing
Mrs. Carol Koschei
Mrs. Clara Reppucci
Mrs. Clara Reppucci

2024 Walk for Wishes - Milwaukee, WI


TOTAL RAISED TO DATE: $100,872! In 2003 Make-A-Wish-Foundation of Wisconsin granted Anthony's wish to go to Disney World during his fight against leukemia. Years later Anthony asked how we could give back to allow other kids to have their wish granted as well. As a result of this Team AJR was formed.

Since 2009 we have helped grant FIFTEEN wishes! 
2009 Tyson – Disney World
2010 Reid - Disney World
2011 Catherine - North Woods Adventure
2012 Emanuel - Disney World
2013 Alexander – NBA All Star Weekend
2014 Patrick – Disney World
2015 Gabriella – Featured in Video Game
2016 Nevaeh – Disney World        2016 Melissa - Meet John Cena
2017 Jennifer - Braces
2018 Gavin - Disney
2019 Sophie- Hawaii
2020 Seth-Camper                                                                           2021 Darrien-Room Makeover

2022 Daniel- Mall of America shopping spree

Please join or support our team to help grant wishes to children during their fight against a life-threatening illness.

Thank you!

Team AJR

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