2024 Walk for Wishes - Madison, WI

Team Kayla

Hi my name is Kayla Kliminski and I’m 2022 I was diagnosed HLH otherwise know as hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. In the next several months after my diagnosis I received lots of chemo, lots of blood and was hospitalized very often including stays in the pediatric ICU. At one point in my journey I was given a wish from make a wish and there aren’t enough words in the world to tell everyone how that made me feel. In fall of 2022 I was on the road to recovery and received my wish to pay for college! Make a wish paid for two semesters of my college and helped me get my life back on track from my sickness! Today I am here as a wish alumni to encourage others to donate and bring light to many Childrens darkness. As someone who now works at American Family Childrens hospital and as someone who has been a patient there, I firmly believe that make a wish is a wonderful organization to donate to. I have personally been on the end of receiving a wish and seen many other children receive their wishes as well and all I can say; Make a Wish is where dreams come true!

Walk With Us. Wish With Us.

Make-A-Wish grants life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.  A wish gives children renewed energy and strength, brings families closer together and unites communities. Wish families are your friends, neighbors and relatives.


We are proud to support Make-A-Wish and their work in our community. Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Every one of these kids needs a wish to give them strength and help them heal. When they smile, you’ll smile. See firsthand the power of pure joy when you grant a wish for a child battling a critical illness.

These life-changing wishes are only possible because of supporters like us. A wish experience can truly change a child’s life, and so can we.

Will you help us support Make-A-Wish by donating today or joining our team today?

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Deena Hatch Foundation
In Memory of Mary Shea
Mary Larson
Russell Roling
Scott & Diane Blackledge
Tim And Ruti Trace
Kerri Kliminski
Linda and Wally Ives
Michele and Kevin Stat
Lexi Keller
Dan Karlin-Kamin
Laury Jensen
Ma Schiro
Jay and Laura






*Gifts made through this fundraising campaign are a gift to the entire Make-A-Wish mission. The needs shown are symbolic of the common wish elements associated with each wish and are only representative of our many wish-granting activities. Gifts made will not actually be used to purchase the item or grant the wish described. All gifts will be pooled to meet the needs of Make-A-Wish.


Deena Hatch Foundation
In Memory of Mary Shea
Mary Larson
Russell Roling
Scott & Diane Blackledge
Tim And Ruti Trace
Kerri Kliminski
Linda and Wally Ives
Michele and Kevin Stat
Lexi Keller
Dan Karlin-Kamin
Laury Jensen
Ma Schiro
Jay and Laura

2024 Walk for Wishes - Madison, WI

Team Kayla

Hi my name is Kayla Kliminski and I’m 2022 I was diagnosed HLH otherwise know as hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. In the next several months after my diagnosis I received lots of chemo, lots of blood and was hospitalized very often including stays in the pediatric ICU. At one point in my journey I was given a wish from make a wish and there aren’t enough words in the world to tell everyone how that made me feel. In fall of 2022 I was on the road to recovery and received my wish to pay for college! Make a wish paid for two semesters of my college and helped me get my life back on track from my sickness! Today I am here as a wish alumni to encourage others to donate and bring light to many Childrens darkness. As someone who now works at American Family Childrens hospital and as someone who has been a patient there, I firmly believe that make a wish is a wonderful organization to donate to. I have personally been on the end of receiving a wish and seen many other children receive their wishes as well and all I can say; Make a Wish is where dreams come true!

Walk With Us. Wish With Us.

Make-A-Wish grants life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.  A wish gives children renewed energy and strength, brings families closer together and unites communities. Wish families are your friends, neighbors and relatives.


We are proud to support Make-A-Wish and their work in our community. Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Every one of these kids needs a wish to give them strength and help them heal. When they smile, you’ll smile. See firsthand the power of pure joy when you grant a wish for a child battling a critical illness.

These life-changing wishes are only possible because of supporters like us. A wish experience can truly change a child’s life, and so can we.

Will you help us support Make-A-Wish by donating today or joining our team today?

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