Trailblaze Challenge Participants

The Trailblaze Challenge is a 27.4-mile hike from Hanging Rock to Pilot Mountain! This is a hike, not a race, and caters to all levels from novice to advanced outdoor enthusiasts.

As well as being an extraordinary physical test, the real challenge is to raise much-needed funds to grant the wishes of children with critical illnesses in Eastern North Carolina. Now more than ever, hope is essential. Make-A-Wish is committed to ensuring that no eligible child waits to experience the hope and joy a wish brings.

By supporting the Trailblaze Challenge, you will help Make-A-Wish America grant even more wishes this year nationally.

How Do I Get Started?

To begin this life-changing journey, you'll need to attend an information meeting. These meetings are designed to inform you about the mission of Make-A-Wish and describe in detail the weekend-long hike event.

Info sessions fill up quickly - RSVP today to reserve your spot!

Isaiah, 15

nervous system disorder

I wish to have a backyard basketball court

"He's never felt special, no matter how much we try to show him. All the effort and support from family and friends helped him see that he is important. It made him feel special."

Kim, wish mom

Read Isaiah's story

Featured Kids - Isaiah

Roslyn, 5


I wish to bake cakes for my care team at the hospital

"I'm going to give them to my doctors because they helped me when I had cancer."

Roslyn, wish child

Read Roslyn's story

Featured Wish Kid - Roslyn