2023-2024 Wish Your Way fundraising pages are closed to new registrations as of January 6th, 2025 and will no longer be available to accept donations after January 31st, 2025. To continue granting wishes through 2025, visit wishyourway.org to start a new fundraiser.

Kappa Zeta Fall Wish Week
Wish Your Way™ Fundraising
Kappa Zeta Fall Wish Week
Wish Your Way™ Fundraising







Abigail Murphy PC22
Addie Fike PC 22
Addie Wilson PC 21
Addison Harwell
Adisyn Elrod - PC23
Adisyn Elrod- PC 23
adriana bueno
Adrienne Younger, Heaven Hernandez PC 23
Alex Cruz
Alex Mercer
Alex Mercer
Alexa Lingo PC 20
Alexandra Mercer PC22
Alina Wroblewski
Allie & Mollie Jarrott
Ally Boland PC'20
Ally Brownlee and family
Amanda Scarborough: Hope Scarborough TTU PC '23
Amber Holdridge
Amy Applegate-Ramsie Applegate PC 23
Ang 💗
Anna D'Avino PC '23
Anna D'Avino PC23
Annette Mickler
Ansley Ayers PC23
Ashlee Bolado pc 20
Ashley Akin
Ashlyn Sterling
Averie Conner PC23
Avery Elliott
Avery Elliott
Avery Elliott
Avery Elliott
Becky Benford
Becky Canavan - Lyle Woods TTU
Bella Koonce PC 22
Bella Koonce pc 22
Bill & Gwen Morgan - Hope Scarborough, PC '23
Blakeley Lewis PC 23
Breck Morrison
Breck Morrison pc20
Brinley Jewel Lisman
Brooke Ahart
Brooke Barrett
Brooke Johnson
Brooke Shaw
Cage Theriot PC 22
Caitlin Giles
Caitlyn Guetersloh PC 22
Calee Heller
Calie Corporron
Cameron Kelley
Cameron Kelley
Camille Ruff PC 21
Campbell Bednar PC 23
Campbell Elliott
Camryn Jaeger PC 23
Camryn Jaeger PC23
Carisa Quintanilla - Chi-Omega
Carissa Jante PC21
Carlie Borthwick
Carly Hamilton - PC 21
Caroline Kelley
Carson Vickers
Cassidy McLean PC22
Cassidy McLean PC22
Channing atnipp pc22
Charlie and Sharon Ruffo on behalf of Kinley Graf
Charlie Anderson
Chi-O Morgan Jackson
Chris Hines
Cindy Scarborough Hope Scarborough PC '23
Claire Folwell
Claire Miller pc21
Cole Munoz on behalf of Lauryn Munoz
Courtenay Hanson on behalf of Malia Bowling pc23
Courtney on behalf of Lauryn M.
danielle chappel - Dey chappel pc 23
Daphne Le PC'22
David and Jennifer Brock
Deb and Jim Rickard
Dee Riebel
Delaney Matheson PC 20
Derrick Le on behalf of Daphne Le (XO-KZ)
Dey Chappel missing 5 dollar
Dey Chappel missing 5 dollar!
Dey Chappel Pc '23
Deyahna Chappel - Dey Chappel Pc 23
Dixie Rodgers-- Olivia Green PC 21
Dr. John Rueter/Julia Rueter
Dru Gusoskey
Dylan Dean PC 21
Eco Promotional Products, Inc.
Elisabeth Newell
elisabeth newell pc 22
Elizabeth Downing
Elizabeth Downing pc 20
Elizabeth Worrell
Ella Armstrong
Ella Vickers
Emily Geraci PC 22
Emma Donahue PC 23
Emma Donahue PC23
Emma Donahue PC23
Emma Eddins
Emma Foster PC'23
Emma McGaha
Emma McGaha PC'22
Eylen Garza
Faith Dolan
Faith Dolan
farah stoneham
Gal Ritte
Georgia Floyd PC 21
Georgie Baccheschi
Gina And Torie Abrahams
graci sherman
Gracie Kennedy PC 22
Grammy Graf
Greg and Elaine Eddings
Hannah Lawson PC '23
Hannah Pruitt on behalf of Lauryn Munoz
Heather Jean on behalf of Lauryn Munoz
Howdy Hawkins
Isabella Arvenitis PC23
Isabella Pettiet pc 23
Isabella Pettiet pc 23
It's for Rylie Schreiber
Jana Munoz on behalf of Lauryn Munoz
Jante_Family_Carissa Jante PC21
Jaycie Dady
Jaydin Riley PC21
Jenna Lacy
Jenna Phillips PC 23
Jennifer Quigley on behalf of Lauryn Munoz
Jensen With PC'20
Jeremy Munoz on behalf of Lauryn Munoz
Jillian Noble PC 22
Joe &Dolores Donahue
Joellen Tritton
Jordan Jackson
Jordan Schulz
Jordyn Resoso PC 22
Jordyn Resoso PC22
Julia Pearce PC 20
Julia Ratliff
Julia Toupss
Kai Farris pc'23
Kaitlyn hannah
Kaitlyn Jones
Karley Kieschnick PC21
Kate Gaston
Kate King
Kate Stengle
Kate Toelle PC '23
Katherine Muller PC 22
Kathryn Geraci PC 21
Kay Frantz
Kelly Cook
Kendall Page PC 23
Kendall Toelle PC '20
Kennedi Comer PC 20
Kenzlee Conatser PC22
Kenzlee Conatser, PC 22
Kevin and Karen Sweet on behalf of Lauren Sweet
Kim Le on behalf of Daphne Le PC'22
Kinsey Quintanilla
Kirk & Emily - Dauer PC 22
Klint and Angela Graf
kodi iden - pc22
Kodi Iden PC22
kylee higens
Laci White pc 23
Laci White pc23
Larry Munoz on behalf of Lauren Munoz
Larsen Baxley P C 23
Larsen Baxley PC23
Laura Summers
Laurel Nalls PC '21
Lauren Duke
Lauren Haude-PC 20
Layne Steph PC22
Libby Mitton
Libby Platt PC22
Lila Vanek
Lili Halsey
lili halsey
Lili Halsey 🧡
Lili Halsey PC 23'
Lindsay Smith PC '20
Liv Adams PC 23
Liv Adams PC 23
Liv Adams PC23
London Montgomery PC23
Mackenzie Mark
Mackenzie Mobley PC20
Mackenzie Palmer
Macy Land PC23
Macy Land PC23
Macy Land PC23
Macy Murphree PC22
Maddie Hines PC 23
Maddie hines pc23
Maddie Hines PC23
Madelyn Alford
Madelyn Glanton
Madelyn Havener PC20
Madison Mobley PC23
Maison McKinney
Maison Mckinney
Makenzie Smith PC 23
Makenzie Smith PC23
Malia Bowling pc 23
Malia Bowling pc23
Mallory Byers
Margaret Koehler
Margaret Koehler PC 21
Marissa Sheets PC21
Maryna Summers
Matt & Tabatha Jones
McKenzi Griffith
Megan Chavez pc21
Mia Jenkins PC 20
Mia Wilson PC '23
Mia Wilson PC '23
Mia Wilson PC '23
Mia Wilson PC 2023
Michele Schuchert
Michelle Walker
Mickey Felice
Molly Gaschen PC 23
Molly Lockhart
Molly McConnell on behlaf of Malia Bowling pc23
Morgan Kerner
Natalie Green PC 20
Natalie Walker PC23
Nick Morris - Olivia Green PC 21'
Olivia Fiederlein
Olivia Riley
Patpat for Julia R.
Payton Foster PC 22
Phipps family
Presley Parks
Rachel Vlk PC 22
Rhanda Schrank in honor of Macy Land
Rhyan Light PC 20
Richard Berry
Rosanne Ham Heaven Hernandez PC23
Ryann Cox PC23
Ryleigh Greer
Ryleigh Greer PC' "23'
Rylie salmon
Samantha Salah
Samantha Farrell
Sarah Hagans
Sarah Parker
Sarah Phillips PC21
Shelby Gregory PC 21
Sidda Schultz
Sloane Salitore PC 21
Stephanie Pitzer
Stephanie Sheppard PC 23
Sterling Hays
Sutton Roberson
Sydney Jones
Sydney Lowe PC 23
Sydney Lowe PC 23
Sydney Lowe PC 23
tana thompson
Taylor Johnston PC 20 - Kappa Zeta Chapter
Taylor Pennel PC'23
Terry & Koni Jones
Tiffany Munoz
Tomisin PC20
Townsend Beachum
Trent Steele
Tristin Renfroe
Vargas Family
Vivian Pinkerton PC 23
Whitlee Anderson
Whitlee Anderson
Whitlee Anderson PC23
Zoee Sanchez
Zoee Sanchez PC 23


Team Captain Team Captain Thanks for being a team captain!
Self Donor Thank you for making a personal donation!
Self Donor Thank you for sending 50+ total emails!
Self Donor Thank you for updating your personal fundraising page!
$100 could help fund items like a new outfit for a modeling wish photo shoot.* $100 could help fund items like a new outfit for a modeling wish photo shoot.* Wish Badge #1: You’ve raised $100+, which could help fund items like a new outfit for a modeling wish photo shoot.
$250 could provide gifts like a lens and camera bag for a child's photography wish.* $250 could provide gifts like a lens and camera bag for a child's photography wish.* Wish Badge #2: You’ve raised $250+, which could provide gifts like a lens and camera bag for a child’s photography wish.
$500 could purchase a bicycle and safety helmet for a wish.* $500 could purchase a bicycle and safety helmet for a wish.* Wish Badge #3: You've raised $500+ which could purchase a bicycle and safety helmet for a wish.
$1,000 could supply accessories and furniture for a room redo that brings hope, strength and joy to a wish child.* $1,000 could supply accessories and furniture for a room redo that brings hope, strength and joy to a wish child.* Wish Badge #4: You've raised $1,000+ which could supply accessories and furniture for a room redo that brings hope, strength and joy to a wish child.

*Gifts made through this fundraising campaign are a gift to the entire Make-A-Wish mission. The needs shown are symbolic of the common wish elements associated with each wish and are only representative of our many wish-granting activities. Gifts made will not actually be used to purchase the item or grant the wish described. All gifts will be pooled to meet the needs of Make-A-Wish.

If you think this page contains objectionable content, please inform the system administrator.






*Gifts made through this fundraising campaign are a gift to the entire Make-A-Wish mission. The needs shown are symbolic of the common wish elements associated with each wish and are only representative of our many wish-granting activities. Gifts made will not actually be used to purchase the item or grant the wish described. All gifts will be pooled to meet the needs of Make-A-Wish.


Addie Fike PC 22
Adisyn Elrod- PC 23
Alex Mercer
Alexa Lingo PC 20
Allie & Mollie Jarrott
Ally Brownlee and family
Amber Holdridge
Amy Applegate-Ramsie Applegate PC 23
Anna D'Avino PC '23
Ansley Ayers PC23
Ashlee Bolado pc 20
Averie Conner PC23
Avery Elliott
Becky Canavan - Lyle Woods TTU
Bella Koonce PC 22
Bill & Gwen Morgan - Hope Scarborough, PC '23
Brooke Johnson
Brooke Shaw
Cage Theriot PC 22
Caitlin Giles
Caitlyn Guetersloh PC 22
Calee Heller
Campbell Bednar PC 23
Campbell Elliott
Carisa Quintanilla - Chi-Omega
Carlie Borthwick
Chris Hines
Cindy Scarborough Hope Scarborough PC '23
Claire Folwell
Claire Miller pc21
Courtney on behalf of Lauryn M.
Elizabeth Worrell
Ella Vickers
Emma Donahue PC 23
Emma Eddins
Emma Foster PC'23
Gina And Torie Abrahams
graci sherman
Gracie Kennedy PC 22
Greg and Elaine Eddings
Howdy Hawkins
Isabella Pettiet pc 23
Isabella Pettiet pc 23
Jante_Family_Carissa Jante PC21
Jaycie Dady
Jaydin Riley PC21
Jenna Lacy
Jennifer Quigley on behalf of Lauryn Munoz
Jensen With PC'20
Kate Gaston
Kate Stengle
Kelly Cook
Kendall Page PC 23
Kendall Toelle PC '20
Kenzlee Conatser, PC 22
Kevin and Karen Sweet on behalf of Lauren Sweet
Kinsey Quintanilla
Kirk & Emily - Dauer PC 22
Klint and Angela Graf
Kodi Iden PC22
Larry Munoz on behalf of Lauren Munoz
Larsen Baxley P C 23
Lauren Duke
Layne Steph PC22
Lili Halsey
Lindsay Smith PC '20
Liv Adams PC 23
Liv Adams PC23
Mackenzie Mark
Macy Land PC23
Macy Land PC23
Macy Murphree PC22
Maddie hines pc23
Madelyn Havener PC20
Maison McKinney
Maison Mckinney
Makenzie Smith PC 23
Margaret Koehler
Margaret Koehler PC 21
Mia Jenkins PC 20
Mia Wilson PC 2023
Michele Schuchert
Michelle Walker
Olivia Fiederlein
Patpat for Julia R.
Rhyan Light PC 20
Richard Berry
Ryleigh Greer
Ryleigh Greer PC' "23'
Rylie salmon
Samantha Farrell
Sarah Hagans
Shelby Gregory PC 21
Stephanie Sheppard PC 23
Vargas Family
Whitlee Anderson PC23


Team Captain Team Captain Thanks for being a team captain!
Self Donor Thank you for making a personal donation!
Self Donor Thank you for sending 50+ total emails!
Self Donor Thank you for updating your personal fundraising page!
$100 could help fund items like a new outfit for a modeling wish photo shoot.* $100 could help fund items like a new outfit for a modeling wish photo shoot.* Wish Badge #1: You’ve raised $100+, which could help fund items like a new outfit for a modeling wish photo shoot.
$250 could provide gifts like a lens and camera bag for a child's photography wish.* $250 could provide gifts like a lens and camera bag for a child's photography wish.* Wish Badge #2: You’ve raised $250+, which could provide gifts like a lens and camera bag for a child’s photography wish.
$500 could provide a wish kid with a deep-sea fishing excursion.* $500 could provide a wish kid with a deep-sea fishing excursion.* Wish Badge #3: You’ve raised $500+, which could provide a wish kid with a deep-sea fishing excursion.
$1,000 could provide cruise excursion activities for a wish family.* $1,000 could provide a wish kid with a bicycle and accessories.* Wish Badge #4: You've raised $1,000+ which could provide a wish kid with a bicycle and accessories.

If you think this page contains objectionable content, please inform the system administrator.