Hello Everyone!
WDAM 7 is proudly fundraising for Make-A-Wish. Make-A-Wish Mississippi asked me to serve as a W.I.S.H. Society of Hattiesburg Honorees this year. W.I.S.H. stands for Women Inspiring Strength and Hope.
The importance of this endeavor is not lost on me. There are 11 kids in the Pine Belt right now waiting for someone to make their wish come true.
By doing my part of donating and reaching out to people like you to raise $3,500, we all can have a part in replacing a child's fear with joy. Make-A-Wish says research shows that a wish can help children build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight – giving them a better chance of surviving.
I hope I can count on you to help make their wishes come true.
Thank you so much for your support!
Karrie Leggett-Brown