Hunter Griffin, also known as Hunter Symone, is a young and innovative 25-year-old Content Creator based in Detroit, Michigan. She was born into community service and always knew in her heart that her life mission was to be a blessing to God’s people. Through her exposure, she has contributed to many efforts of community outreach. Hunter is always thinking of ways to expand her gifts, so she took to social media to document what she loves the most; Beauty, Lifestyle and Family.
Hunter’s desire for content creation bloomed from the love she has for photography and storytelling. She focuses on setting her own standards by creating personalized trends and never allowing societal standards to change who she is. Hunter is passionate about providing a safe space for viewers and content creators alike by curating warm and uplifting videos that feel like a virtual hug. Her goal in everything she does is to establish a footprint of positivity, love and giving back to her community.
She now has a social media platform community of 100K followers on Instagram and 87K followers on TikTok. Hunter has introduced the world to her loving Grandparents who have an astonishing love story of 52 years. Their story has encouraged millions of people that true companionship lasts a lifetime and that love is attainable to everyone searching for it. She feels extremely grateful to be a blessing in ways that she did not expect. Through Hunter’s hard work of creating a social platform, she promises to never let go of the gifts God placed inside of her. With this momentum, she is continuing to find ways to be a blessing to other people and magnifying her efforts of giving back.
Ronald and Linda Griffin are a powerhouse couple of 52 years based in Detroit, Michigan. As Pastor and First Lady of Rose of Sharon Church of God in Christ, the foundation of their ministry is community outreach and truly making an impact on every individual they encounter.
After 31 years of successful pastoral efforts, Ronald and Linda have taken a new route of connecting with God’s people with social media. The Griffin’s influential and heart pulling videos have reached over 10 million people by sharing their love story, recipes and family values. This couple has a continued mission that even in their senior age, you are never too seasoned to be a blessing and make a change. They are inspiring generations behind them that with love and determination, true companionship does exist.
TOGETHER, we are so excited to partner with Make-A-Wish Michigan to grant life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses in Michigan! Whether you donate $5, $10, $15 or any amount, please know your donation will help provide HOPE, JOY & STRENGTH for children when they need it the most! We hope we can help the Michigan chapter reach more eligible children with critical illnesses in Detroit and grant more incredible wishes in the city!