2023-2024 Wish Your Way Eastern North Carolina

Harrison's Hawaii Wish, 2023
Harrison's Hawaii Wish, 2023

Give the Gift of a Wish

Help us grant more Hawaii wishes!

There are currently 31 Wish Kids and families waiting on their special wish to go to Hawaii! Unfortunately, we only have 9 Hawaii wishes budgeted to grant this fiscal year. Your Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina Volunteer Board is working together this holiday season to grant SIX more Hawaii wishes this fiscal year!

We have split into teams of 4 board members each, and with the help of people and organizations just like YOU - we will reach our goal to grant more Hawaii wishes now and lower our larger than desired pipeline!

"Give the Gift of a Wish" is an annual campaign designed to bring warmth to deserving children battling critical illnesses. It's amazing what wishes can do - and with your help, we will renew hope, uplift spirits and encourage the belief in the impossible. Added bonus - you'll be spreading holiday JOY at the most perfect time of the year!

Make-A-Wish grants thousands of unique wishes each year. A wish begins with hope. And hope begins with you. Together, we can grant more wishes. Please donate today! Thank you for your support in helping us grant more Hawaii wishes to our deserving families waiting!

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Wish Your Way™ Fundraising
Fundraiser Captain:
Wish Your Way™ Fundraising
Fundraiser Captain:








Team Roster






*Gifts made through this fundraising campaign are a gift to the entire Make-A-Wish mission. The needs shown are symbolic of the common wish elements associated with each wish and are only representative of our many wish-granting activities. Gifts made will not actually be used to purchase the item or grant the wish described. All gifts will be pooled to meet the needs of Make-A-Wish.

Team Roster



2023-2024 Wish Your Way Eastern North Carolina

Harrison's Hawaii Wish, 2023
Harrison's Hawaii Wish, 2023

Give the Gift of a Wish

Help us grant more Hawaii wishes!

There are currently 31 Wish Kids and families waiting on their special wish to go to Hawaii! Unfortunately, we only have 9 Hawaii wishes budgeted to grant this fiscal year. Your Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina Volunteer Board is working together this holiday season to grant SIX more Hawaii wishes this fiscal year!

We have split into teams of 4 board members each, and with the help of people and organizations just like YOU - we will reach our goal to grant more Hawaii wishes now and lower our larger than desired pipeline!

"Give the Gift of a Wish" is an annual campaign designed to bring warmth to deserving children battling critical illnesses. It's amazing what wishes can do - and with your help, we will renew hope, uplift spirits and encourage the belief in the impossible. Added bonus - you'll be spreading holiday JOY at the most perfect time of the year!

Make-A-Wish grants thousands of unique wishes each year. A wish begins with hope. And hope begins with you. Together, we can grant more wishes. Please donate today! Thank you for your support in helping us grant more Hawaii wishes to our deserving families waiting!

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