2023-2024 Wish Your Way fundraising pages are closed to new registrations as of January 6th, 2025 and will no longer be available to accept donations after January 31st, 2025. To continue granting wishes through 2025, visit wishyourway.org to start a new fundraiser.

2023-2024 Wish Your Way Connecticut

Chi Omega Iota Mu Quinnipiac University Fall 2024


We're proudly fundraising for Make-A-Wish – will you join us by making a gift today?

When a wish is granted, a child replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. The majority of wish kids go on to beat their critical illnesses, and research shows that a wish can help children build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight – giving them a better chance of surviving and thriving.

Every day, 70+ children are diagnosed with a critical illness and count on donors like us to help make their wish come true.

Thanks for your support!

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Wish Your Way™ Fundraising
Fundraiser Captain:
Wish Your Way™ Fundraising
Fundraiser Captain:







Aashir Khan
Abigail Ross
alexa broems
Alexis Johnson
Alicia R. & Barkley 🐾
Alison Benedetti
Ally Evans
Amy Glaude-Marcos
Andrew Sullivan
aunt becca & nana
Bill & Kathy McCullough
Brian & Robin Linett
Bridget Rose
Caden Slifko
Carla Sutherland
Caro More
catherine oconnor
Catherine Schulman
Cathy and Scott Brown
Charlotte Bokesch
Charlotte Ross
Chelsea Schuler
Chi Omega Thrift Store
Chi Omega X 2 Waves + The Sun X Here For You
Chloe Cosentino
Christy Pearson
Colabello Family
Colette Lesperance
Colleen, Jerry & Julia Hatcher
Corinne Cosentino
D Sibley
Dana Marie DeTrizio
Daniella Avella
Darlene Kapica
David Dorlando
David Hickey Sr.
David Pena
Dina Khouzam
Donna Braccia
Ed Joyce
Elena & Frank DiFalco
Elizabeth Castelli
Elizabeth Leeman
elle okoney
Ellie Kerzner
Emily Ye
Emma Boyagian
Emma Guzowski
Eric Beaulieu
Frank Ferranti
Grandma & Grandpa Daly
Grandma B.
Grandpa & Mammo
Greg Sullivan
Ground Up Coffee Fundraiser
Hailey DeMedeiros
Hailey Rollier
Henry Behrmann
Here For You Event
Ingrid Hockstader
isabella gomes
Ivanna Bruno
Ivorine Stuart
Jack Lisa
Jacqueline Nordman
Jade Paul
Jaden Benitez
Jake Howlett
Janelle Kostas
Janine Khongkham
Jason D'Orlando
Jason Dorlando
Jean Lesperance
Jeanne Conner
Jennifer Blanchette
Jennifer Moccia
Jennifer Mulcahy
Jessica Vanoss
jillian van winckel
Joann Chen
Jodie Robillard
Johanna Fortugno
Judith Coonley
Kan Kora
Karen Fraser
Karen Ross
Kathleen Driscoll
katrina gualtieri
Kaylee Barker
kaylee ng
Kedrian Buie
Kelly Watters
Ken Lutz
Kristen Cosentino
Kristen Howlett
Kristin Walters
Kyle Bales
Kyle Douglas
Lauren Hogg
Lauren Venturini
Leslie Barnes
Linda Rusco
Ma Con and Poppy
Mackenna Becker
Madelyn Fortugno
Marie R.
Marina Colella
Mark and Caroline Bokesch
Mark Pearson
Maryfrances Piselli
Marykate Gallagher
Matt, Beth, Ben, Will and Morris
Matteo Artale
Maureen Rogers
Megan Hickey
Melissa Brennan
Melissa Corbett
Melissa Neslund
Melody Shum
Michael Fortugno
Michael Lejeune
Michael Marino
Michael Pena
Michael Propersi
Michaela Cowing
Michelle Kelly
Michelle Siemionkowicz
Mira Khouzam
Mom & Dad
Mom & Marty
Mom ❤️
Mom and Dad
Mom and Dad
Morgan Lemone
Mr. Shawn Linett
Nanci` Parsons
Nancy Schuler
Oliver Finamore
Pamela Bland
Papa and Grandma
Papa and Meme
Patrick Sullivan
Patty Sullivan
Paul DOrlando
Peg Feeley
Peter Bower
Poppy and Grammy
Richards Family
Rick Kerzner
Robbie Rose
Roberto Castelli
Ryan Mckone
Sally Sibley
Samantha Hickey
Sanjiv Panchal
Sara Ourdani
Sarah Hickey
Sarah Horner
Sarah Springer
Sharon, Jim, Ronnie, & Luke
Shauna Ullo
Sydney Weimer
Tammi Serrano
Tara Couture
The Delisle's
The Foye Family
The Kerzner family
Theresa Sharo
Tim & Isabel Simon
Tracey Shropshire
Tracey Waszkelewicz
Tricia Froese
Uncle Bryan & Auntie Danielle
Valentina Vacarez
Venmo Donations! - Lydia, Julia, Sierra, and Alex
Whitney Mendes
Wish Week + Swishes + Ciao Bella Pop Up
Zoe and Lucy Getto

Team Roster






*Gifts made through this fundraising campaign are a gift to the entire Make-A-Wish mission. The needs shown are symbolic of the common wish elements associated with each wish and are only representative of our many wish-granting activities. Gifts made will not actually be used to purchase the item or grant the wish described. All gifts will be pooled to meet the needs of Make-A-Wish.

Team Roster


Amy Glaude-Marcos
aunt becca & nana
Bill & Kathy McCullough
Brian & Robin Linett
catherine oconnor
Cathy and Scott Brown
Charlotte Bokesch
Charlotte Ross
Chi Omega Thrift Store
Chi Omega X 2 Waves + The Sun X Here For You
Christy Pearson
Colabello Family
Colleen, Jerry & Julia Hatcher
David Dorlando
David Hickey Sr.
David Pena
Dina Khouzam
Donna Braccia
Ed Joyce
Elizabeth Castelli
Elizabeth Leeman
Emma Boyagian
Frank Ferranti
Grandma & Grandpa Daly
Grandma B.
Grandpa & Mammo
Greg Sullivan
Henry Behrmann
Here For You Event
Ingrid Hockstader
Ivanna Bruno
Ivorine Stuart
Jacqueline Nordman
Jade Paul
Janelle Kostas
Janine Khongkham
Jason D'Orlando
Jean Lesperance
Jennifer Blanchette
Jennifer Moccia
Jennifer Mulcahy
Johanna Fortugno
Karen Fraser
Kristen Cosentino
Kyle Bales
Ma Con and Poppy
Mackenna Becker
Marie R.
Marina Colella
Mark and Caroline Bokesch
Mark Pearson
Marykate Gallagher
Matteo Artale
Maureen Rogers
Megan Hickey
Melissa Corbett
Melissa Neslund
Melody Shum
Michael Marino
Michael Pena
Michael Propersi
Michaela Cowing
Mira Khouzam
Mom ❤️
Mom and Dad
Mr. Shawn Linett
Nanci` Parsons
Nancy Schuler
Pamela Bland
Papa and Meme
Paul DOrlando
Peg Feeley
Peter Bower
Poppy and Grammy
Rick Kerzner
Roberto Castelli
Sally Sibley
Sanjiv Panchal
Sharon, Jim, Ronnie, & Luke
Tammi Serrano
The Delisle's
The Foye Family
The Kerzner family
Theresa Sharo
Tim & Isabel Simon
Tricia Froese
Uncle Bryan & Auntie Danielle
Valentina Vacarez
Whitney Mendes
Wish Week + Swishes + Ciao Bella Pop Up
Zoe and Lucy Getto

2023-2024 Wish Your Way Connecticut

Chi Omega Iota Mu Quinnipiac University Fall 2024


We're proudly fundraising for Make-A-Wish – will you join us by making a gift today?

When a wish is granted, a child replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. The majority of wish kids go on to beat their critical illnesses, and research shows that a wish can help children build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight – giving them a better chance of surviving and thriving.

Every day, 70+ children are diagnosed with a critical illness and count on donors like us to help make their wish come true.

Thanks for your support!

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