2023-2024 Wish Your Way fundraising pages are closed to new registrations as of January 6th, 2025 and will no longer be available to accept donations after January 31st, 2025. To continue granting wishes through 2025, visit wishyourway.org to start a new fundraiser.

2023-2024 Wish Your Way Colorado

CU Chi Omega Fall 2024


We're proudly fundraising for Make-A-Wish – will you join us by making a gift today?

When a wish is granted, a child replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. The majority of wish kids go on to beat their critical illnesses, and research shows that a wish can help children build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight – giving them a better chance of surviving and thriving.

Every day, 70+ children are diagnosed with a critical illness and count on donors like us to help make their wish come true.

Thanks for your support!

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Wish Your Way™ Fundraising
Fundraiser Captain:
Wish Your Way™ Fundraising
Fundraiser Captain:







Abby Reohr
Abby Hamel
Abby Parkanzky
Abby Reohr
abby zahn
Addison Bohl
Addison Bohl
Addison Hergenreter
Adelaide Doerfler
Adelaide Doerfler
Adeline Withey
Adrian Rodriguez
Aimee Lange
Aisling Murphey
Alaina Palmesi
Alan and Vicki Wasserstrom
Albert Thuon
Albino Testani
Alexa Tsvetkov
Alexander Alsoufiev
Alexandra Palermo
Alice Mao Brams
Alison Ha
Allison Jones
Ally Klinefeldt
Ally Klinefeldt
Amber Robison
Amelia Harris
Amiya Vanapalli
Amy Rittenberg
Anais Borst
Angelina Largent
Anika Knowles
anna dailey
Anna Leasure
Anna Smith
Annabelle Sinta
Anne Lamkin Kinder
Annelise Brookes
Annie High
Ansley Wiley
Arianna Vogel
Ashley Gildman
Ashley Goldman
Ashley Goldman
Ashley Goldman
Ashley Sherman
Audrey A
Audrey Packer
Ava Perko
Ava Stolberg
Ava Tabor
Ava Whitlow
Avery Cohen
Avery Hutto
Avery Williams
Barbara Garner/Paige Deischl
Barbara Hill
Bea Douglass
benja ovnik
Benjamin Kosacz
Betty Hall
Betty Robison
Bode Family for Ella Bode
Bonnie and Jim Swartz
Bonnie Bortolus
Brad Sahl
Brady DiRamio
Braeden Courtney
Brandie Ettinger
Bree Rittenberg
Brendan Fry
Brent Dessing
Brent Hulen
Bri Morgan
Brody Rhodes
brooke lamour
Brooklyn Byerly
Brooklynn McIntosh
Bryce Kallio
Bryn Arrison
Bryn Curnutte
Burdg Family on Behalf of Izzy Burdg
Burdg Family on behalf of Izzy Burdg
C & S Brams for Lauren Brams
Caitlin Flynn
Camille Melcher
Camille Melcher
Candace Adams
Cara Morgan
Carly Belen
Caroline Callahan
Caroline Eliot
Caroline Farmer
Caroline Herzog
Caroline Herzog xo srs
Caroline Jones
Caroline Nichols
Caroline Zintak
Carrie Daanen
Carter Alfrey
Carter McLoughlin
Case Rubingh
Cassidy Payne
Catherine Kelley
Celeste Berke
Chad Bernstein
Charlie Despins
Charlotte Frans
Charlotte Kriete
Charlotte Willey
Chloe Curry
Chloe Talbot
Claire Folmer
Claire Rosser
Cole Gaddis
Colin Mckeever
Connie Tuckerman
Corinne Duck
Corinne Duck
Corinne Duck
Corinne Duck
Cory Shaw
Cynthia Geocaris
dads work phone burt
Daisy Hodsdon
Daniel Bohl
Daniel Moriarty
Daphne Venetsanopoulos
Dave Kroll
Dean Pitari
Debbie Gibbs
delaney fair
Delaney Laughlin
Drew Lukowski
Dylan Walsh
dyson wiley
ed johosafat
Eden Plotsky
Eden Sevick
Elias Villalobos
Elisha Z
Elizabeth Emery
Elizabeth Lay
ella bethke
ella stackpole
Ella Talbot
Ella Wilkins
Ella Wilkins by Hardy North
Ellary Ryan
Ellary Ryan
Ellary Ryan
Ellary Ryan
Elle RusselHapp
Ellie Lupoli
Eloise Burke
Emaan Hussain
Emilia Lazarova
Emily Diaz
Emily Rossini
Emily Yates
Emma Benson
Emma Goldberg
Emma Herzog
Emma Rosas
Emma Swirsky
Erika Cordova
Evan Bardinelli
Family of Kate Jordan Little
Family of Lizzie Ruff
Fiona Flaherty
For Morgan Marburger
Foster Allenseeley
Frances Morris
Friends of Caroline Callahan
Gabby Esteve
Gabe Hettleman
gabi prusinski
gia marciano
Gillian Libbin
Gina Stathacopoulos
Grace Wynne
Grayson Coffin
Greg and Maria Rooney
Greg Koester
Greg rooney
Greg Westfall
Griffin Paulino
Hailey Laskin
Hailey Meredith
Halle Venturi
Hannah McCarthy
hannah tolliver
Hansen Family
havens webster
Hayden Heitmann
Heloisa Testoni
Helping Heart
Ingeborg Melcher
isabelle failla
Izaac Stone
Jack Provencher
Jaidyn Shirley
Jaidyn Shirley
Jaime Stimpson
Jake Chapman
Jake Huxhold
Jane Kroll
Janice Gerber
Jasmine Waters
Jeffrey Wade
Jen Bohl (Addie Bohl)
Jennifer Cosgrove "Weezie Dinnhaupt"
Jessica Ryanczak
Jill Rittenberg
Joey Bernstein
John Mclean
John Welch
Jolie Brams
Jon Wade
Jonah Kelly
Jonas Gerber
Jordan Jones
Jordyn White
Josie Cahn
Josie Hall
Judy Norton Weezie Dinnhaupt
Julie Ehlert
julie torten rabinowitz
Justin Close
Kaeden Kilworth
kai elliott
Kameron Perez
Kane Sundarapura
Karter Dominguez
Kate Burson
Kate Dessing
kate koojoolian
kate ross
Keira Wagstaff
Keith Rupert
Kelley Carney
Kelli Levy
Kellie Bunyi
Kelsey Norland
Kelton Blakely
Kevin Cerini
Kiera Layne
Kim Ladehoff/Neve Wade
Kirby Pope
Klinefeldt family for Ally Klinefeldt
Kristen Donohue
Kristin Lax
Kyla Gardner's Grandparents
Kyla Gardner's mumsy and daddio
Kylie Kroll
Laney Miller
Laura and Jim Goettsch
Laura Moloney-Grelli and Morgan Marburger
Leila Duty
Leslie Bormaster for Lauren Brams
Leslie Korostoff
Lexi Freedman
Lexi Goodman
Libby Mason
Lila Abrams
Lillian Gore
lilly brunnick
lily choe
lily verhoff
Linda Haley
Lindsey Blaisdell
Lindsey Stafford
lisa douglass
Livvy Reger
Logan Jones
Lola Kovel
Louise Dinnhaupt
Lucas Massaro
Lucy Herndon
Lucy Walters
Luke Langham
Luke Watts
Luna Bravo
Mackenzie Bellomo
Madden Farrell
Madeleine Ames
Madeleine Monde
Madelyne Sweig
Madison Autterson
Madison Moreland
Madisyn Moreland
Madisyn Moreland
Maggie Garrett
maggie greene
Mai Chi Coombes
Maile frankel
Maisa Volk
Maren Clay
Maria Rooney Annabel Rooney's mom.
Marianne Wilkins
Marin Whitington
Mark and Heather Robison
Marleen Seckendorf
Mary Crawford
Mary DAndrea
Mary Endres
Mary McCown
Mary McHatten
Matt and Alice Brams for Lauren Brams
Matthew Schierenberg
Max Sheldon
Maximilian Osterman
Mckenna Procter
Megan Bartlett
Megan Torres
Melissa Brams for Lauren Brams
Meredith Lipscomb
Merrily Sturcke
Michael Hord
Micky Nguyen
Millicent Billig
mimi shehadeh
Mirsini Armstrong
Morgan Marburger Kim
Morgan Marburger/Sandra Morgan
Morgan Tadish
Mrs. Melinda Schon Beyer
Nancy Dempsey
Natalie Krier
Natalie Sheehan
Neve wade
Nicolas Taricco
Nicole Hudson
Nikita Medvedev
Nikolas Sierra
Nolan Smith
Nora Collins-Burgard
Nora Meadows
olivia ramirez
Olivia Stephens
Olivia Stephens
Olivia Stephens
Olivia Stephens
Orly Steinberg
Owen Brunson
Paige Deischl
Paige Deischl
Paige Morrison
paige searl
Pat and Zoe Thrall
Payton Daniels
Peter Giordano
Peterson Family for Ally Klinefeldt
Phillip Schoenfeld
Phoebe McGown
Pieter Van der Kleij
Quinn Jenkins
Quinn Tarr
Rachel Barry
Rachel Callahan
Rachel Teichman
Raegan Duffy
Reece Kohrmann
Richard Poirier
Rileigh Rose McMahon
Riley Aitken
Riley Botjer
Riley jones
Roberta Camargo
Ryan Leoni
Ryan Thompson
Ryane Kelley
Rylan Denby
Rylee and her Sahl grandparents
Sadie Egan
Salome Kharadze
Sam Koch
Samanth Levi
Sara Wolf
Sarah Griffin
Savannah Wiener
Scarlett Maguire
Scarlett Penfold
Scott Callahan
Scott Deischl
Scott Williams
Scott, Sue, Connor, Evie & Kona Dessing
Sharon Wilson
Shay Swerdloff
shelby Nice
Sidney Church
Simon Ours
Skye Kimbrough
Sofi Blanco
Sofia Larranaga
Sofia Sommer
Sophie Brown
Sophie Dack
Sophie Jachimowicz
Sophie Whidden
Stefanie Esposito
Stella Watts
Stephanie Bechtold
Sue and Brian Woods
Susan Brice
Sutton Kotler
Sydney Caira
Sydney glazer
Sydney Lux
Sylvia Coslov
Sylvia Coslov
Sylvia Coslov
Tahlia Fisch
Tara Sanders
Tatum Ringlien
Tatum Stock
Taylor Rice
Taylor Wein
Teah Stern
Terry & Laura Rittenberg
Tessa Vittor & Abby Higgins
The Arther Family for Irina Alsoufiev
the Kovels
The Sharpe Family for Bree Rittenberg
Theodore Odendahl
Thomas Krieg
Thomas McLoughlin
Thomas Reohr
Timothy Bass
Trey Minch
Trudy Hiber
Trudy Hiber
Trudy Hiber
Uday Sehgal
Veronica Velasquez
Violet Hemsi
Violet Hemsi
Viveka Chaudhry
Walter Cleary
Weezie Dinnhaupt
Weezie Dinnhaupt
Wendy Wasserstrom
Will Rohwer
William Bialobrzeski
William Gerdes
William Rauzi
William Stanish
William Washing
Zach Cunningham
Zachary Adams
Zoe Allen
Zoe Helphand
Zoe Larson
zoe pearce

Team Roster






*Gifts made through this fundraising campaign are a gift to the entire Make-A-Wish mission. The needs shown are symbolic of the common wish elements associated with each wish and are only representative of our many wish-granting activities. Gifts made will not actually be used to purchase the item or grant the wish described. All gifts will be pooled to meet the needs of Make-A-Wish.

Team Roster


Abby Reohr
Abby Reohr
Adelaide Doerfler
Adelaide Doerfler
Alan and Vicki Wasserstrom
Alexander Alsoufiev
Ally Klinefeldt
Anne Lamkin Kinder
Ashley Gildman
Ashley Goldman
Barbara Garner/Paige Deischl
Bode Family for Ella Bode
Bonnie and Jim Swartz
Brent Dessing
Brent Hulen
Bryn Arrison
Burdg Family on Behalf of Izzy Burdg
C & S Brams for Lauren Brams
Camille Melcher
Camille Melcher
Caroline Callahan
Caroline Herzog
Carrie Daanen
Colin Mckeever
Connie Tuckerman
Corinne Duck
Corinne Duck
Corinne Duck
Corinne Duck
Daniel Moriarty
Dave Kroll
Delaney Laughlin
Elizabeth Lay
Ella Wilkins
Ellary Ryan
Ellary Ryan
Family of Kate Jordan Little
Family of Lizzie Ruff
For Morgan Marburger
Friends of Caroline Callahan
Gabby Esteve
Gillian Libbin
Greg and Maria Rooney
Greg Koester
Helping Heart
Ingeborg Melcher
Jaidyn Shirley
Jennifer Cosgrove "Weezie Dinnhaupt"
Jon Wade
Jordan Jones
Judy Norton Weezie Dinnhaupt
Kim Ladehoff/Neve Wade
Klinefeldt family for Ally Klinefeldt
Kyla Gardner's mumsy and daddio
Kylie Kroll
Laura and Jim Goettsch
Laura Moloney-Grelli and Morgan Marburger
Leila Duty
Leslie Bormaster for Lauren Brams
Leslie Korostoff
Linda Haley
Lola Kovel
Madison Autterson
Madison Moreland
Maria Rooney Annabel Rooney's mom.
Mary DAndrea
Mary McCown
Matt and Alice Brams for Lauren Brams
Megan Bartlett
Neve wade
Nicole Hudson
Olivia Stephens
Olivia Stephens
Olivia Stephens
Orly Steinberg
Paige Deischl
Payton Daniels
Peterson Family for Ally Klinefeldt
Rachel Barry
Riley jones
Scarlett Penfold
Scott Callahan
Scott Deischl
Scott, Sue, Connor, Evie & Kona Dessing
Sue and Brian Woods
Susan Brice
Sylvia Coslov
Tara Sanders
Terry & Laura Rittenberg
Tessa Vittor & Abby Higgins
The Sharpe Family for Bree Rittenberg
Thomas McLoughlin
Violet Hemsi
Weezie Dinnhaupt
Wendy Wasserstrom

2023-2024 Wish Your Way Colorado

CU Chi Omega Fall 2024


We're proudly fundraising for Make-A-Wish – will you join us by making a gift today?

When a wish is granted, a child replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. The majority of wish kids go on to beat their critical illnesses, and research shows that a wish can help children build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight – giving them a better chance of surviving and thriving.

Every day, 70+ children are diagnosed with a critical illness and count on donors like us to help make their wish come true.

Thanks for your support!

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