Make-A-Wish has always been an organization that has felt close to my heart for a long time. I have seen the incredible things that they have done for children with critical illnesses and the joy that they bring. As someone who works in healthcare and who has dedicated some of her physical therapy career to helping people with critical illness in the hospital, I have seen some of the trials and tribulations of living with illness. Although I do not know first hand what this is like, I hope to at least provide even the smallest bit of joy during dark times. I am so excited to be giving back to an organization with a mission to fulfill wishes for children who are facing some of the biggest hurdles. Something a lot of us will hopefully never have to face ourselves.
28 miles... that's LONG but I know I can do it. First I need YOUR help to get me to the starting line!
Here are some interesting facts to note:
Did you know that Make-A-Wish grants more than 15,000 wishes nationwide every year? That’s a lot, yes. But that’s only 50% of the eligible kids. Every hour of every day, on average, three children are diagnosed with a critical illness. Every one of these kids needs a wish to give them strength and help them heal.
I’m fundraising so more deserving kids and their families can know the true happiness, relief and renewal a wish can bring. These essential wishes are only possible because of supporters like you. Together, we are transforming lives- One wish at a time!