My daughter Lexi has a rare neurodevelopmental disorder called Rett Syndrome. In 2023 -2024 Lexi experienced multiple hospitals stays due to uncontrolled seizures and resulting complications. It took a toll on her and our family. When you're child has a medically complex and challenging situation as a parent you are always seeking ways to bring joy and smiles into your child life. Make-a-wish provides that joy to families.
Did you know that Make-A-Wish grants more than 15,000 wishes nationwide every year? That's a lot, yes. But that's only 50% of the eligible kids. Every hour of every day, on average, three children are diagnosed with a critical illness. Every one of these kids needs a wish to give them strength and help them heal. I'm fundraising so more deserving kids and their families can know the true happiness, relief and renewal a wish can bring.
These essential wishes are only possible because of supporters like you. Together, we are transforming lives- One wish at a time!