Did you know that Make-A-Wish has granted more than 550,000 wishes around the world? That’s a lot, yes. But right now, for every wish that comes true, two more children with critical illnesses are waiting for theirs to be granted because Make-A-Wish lacks the necessary funding. I have witnessed first hand, how a wish brings strength, hope and joy to a child who is experiencing a life threatening illness. I have seen the magic and smile that a wish brings to a child and their families.
Life-changing wishes are only possible because of supporters like you. A wish can truly transform a child's life, and together, we have the power to grant it. Thank you so much for your support. Come and walk a mile with me as I train, cheer me on as I tackle 26.2 miles on 9/7/24, and donate whatever you can to help me grant wishes!
With Love and Gratitude, Sharon