Hey, everyone! I am so excited to take on the Trailblaze Challenge again in 2024! That’s right! For the fifth year in a row, I’ll be putting in lots and lots of miles on the trails and asking for your support as I raise money for Make-A-Wish Alabama to help grant wishes for children living with critical illnesses.
On top of tackling my own 26.3-mile adventure on the Pinhoti Trail, this will also be my third year serving as a member of the Hike Support Team helping other hikers to prepare for their own big hikes! And with some exciting... and yet to be fully announced changes brewing, I'll be supporting hikers on not just the Pinhoti Trail, but also a [yet unnamed] new-to-us trail!
Five years in and fundraising still really isn’t my thing, but here we are again! For the past two years, we've raised over $1,000,000 together and we're aiming just as high [actually a little higher] in 2024!
Each year Make-A-Wish grants thousands of unique wishes all over the country to children facing critical illnesses - things like getting a puppy; driving a firetruck; having a potting shed, a treehouse, or a camper; going on their very first vacation of any kind; meeting celebrities; and traveling to tropical destinations, amusement parks, or the mountains with their families. Even with all these wishes being granted, there are still thousands of other eligible children waiting on their wish; there are around 275 children waiting in Alabama alone! I'm fundraising so more deserving kids and their families can know the happiness, relief, and renewal a wish can bring.
Please help me support Make-A-Wish Alabama once again[!] or for the first time[!] by donating today! Let's grant some wishes, ya'll!
Thank you so much for your support!
Molly Deyton - "Shades"