2024 Polar Bear Splash - Long Beach, NY

Oliver's Super Friends

Why This Is Important To Us: 

We are back and more excited than ever to participate in our SEVENTH Polar Bear Plunge for Make-a-Wish! Oliver was granted his wish to go to Disney World in February 2018, just weeks after our first plunge. The very first plunge was all Oliver's idea; still in the middle of his treatment for lymphoma, he found out about the Plunge and said he wanted to particpate and help other children like him.  That's why we plunge, for kids like Oliver and Morgan and Luis and everyone else that Make-A-Wish can help becuase of this amazing event.  

The past few years, we have been lucky enough to join with our elementary school family, William S. Covert Elementary school, to make the biggest impact possible.  Now that Oliver is in middle school, we're looking forward to growing our team in new ways again!

In a few short years, a lot has changed about what day-to-day life looks like, and what the economic realities are for many people.  But what hasn't changed is the need for for joy and hope that children with life-threatening illnesses desperately need.  Make-A-Wish fulfills those dreams, but they can't do it without help from us. 

Oliver’s wish trip was truly magical from start to finish and was a true gift after his diagnosis and treatment. The joy and relief that these wish bring to wish kids and their familes cannot be put into words. Events like this do so much to support the extraordinary work of granting wishes and we are thrilled to participate again and pay it forward to other kids!

Please help us support this great cause by joining our team or making a donation to Long Beach Polar Bear Splash 2024 fundraising goal.  Thank you for your support!

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Team Donors:

Mr. James Scannell
Greg and Tae McCann
Ken & Jean Choquette
Patrick McCann
K Dillon
The McCann family
Mrs. Mishelle Alongi
Michael McCarthy
Nicole Nola
Kara Terino
Ashley Nikles
Ms. Carrie Bilitzki
The Drakes
The Powell Family
Aunt Mary, Uncle Kevin & June
Christine Flatley
MaryIrene Tsaousis
The Turnbull Family
Jeri and Wil
Eileen LeGrande
Mrs. Helene Krasnoff
The Guarton Family
Bodhi and Faye
Lori E
Sami Clark
Leslie Duffy






*Gifts made through this fundraising campaign are a gift to the entire Make-A-Wish mission. The needs shown are symbolic of the common wish elements associated with each wish and are only representative of our many wish-granting activities. Gifts made will not actually be used to purchase the item or grant the wish described. All gifts will be pooled to meet the needs of Make-A-Wish.

Team Roster

Team Donors:

Mr. James Scannell
Greg and Tae McCann
Ken & Jean Choquette
Patrick McCann
K Dillon
The McCann family
Mrs. Mishelle Alongi
Michael McCarthy
Nicole Nola
Kara Terino
Ashley Nikles
Ms. Carrie Bilitzki
The Drakes
The Powell Family
Aunt Mary, Uncle Kevin & June
Christine Flatley
MaryIrene Tsaousis
The Turnbull Family
Jeri and Wil
Eileen LeGrande
Mrs. Helene Krasnoff
The Guarton Family
Bodhi and Faye
Lori E
Sami Clark
Leslie Duffy

2024 Polar Bear Splash - Long Beach, NY

Oliver's Super Friends

Why This Is Important To Us: 

We are back and more excited than ever to participate in our SEVENTH Polar Bear Plunge for Make-a-Wish! Oliver was granted his wish to go to Disney World in February 2018, just weeks after our first plunge. The very first plunge was all Oliver's idea; still in the middle of his treatment for lymphoma, he found out about the Plunge and said he wanted to particpate and help other children like him.  That's why we plunge, for kids like Oliver and Morgan and Luis and everyone else that Make-A-Wish can help becuase of this amazing event.  

The past few years, we have been lucky enough to join with our elementary school family, William S. Covert Elementary school, to make the biggest impact possible.  Now that Oliver is in middle school, we're looking forward to growing our team in new ways again!

In a few short years, a lot has changed about what day-to-day life looks like, and what the economic realities are for many people.  But what hasn't changed is the need for for joy and hope that children with life-threatening illnesses desperately need.  Make-A-Wish fulfills those dreams, but they can't do it without help from us. 

Oliver’s wish trip was truly magical from start to finish and was a true gift after his diagnosis and treatment. The joy and relief that these wish bring to wish kids and their familes cannot be put into words. Events like this do so much to support the extraordinary work of granting wishes and we are thrilled to participate again and pay it forward to other kids!

Please help us support this great cause by joining our team or making a donation to Long Beach Polar Bear Splash 2024 fundraising goal.  Thank you for your support!

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